4月6日0—24时,上海新增本土新冠肺炎确诊病例322例和无症状感染者19660例,其中15例确诊病例为此前无症状感染者转归,12例确诊病例和19027例无症状感染者在隔离管控中发现,其余在相关风险人群排查中发现。新增境外输入性新冠肺炎确诊病例7例和无症状感染者1例,均在闭环管控中发现。Shanghai recorded 322 new confirmed COVID-19 cases and 19,660 new asymptomatic cases on Wednesday, local authorities said on Thursday.
4月6日,据记者从上海市疫情防控工作指挥部地区组获悉,根据国务院联防联控机制统一部署,4月初,江苏、浙江将紧急为上海抗击新冠疫情期间相关隔离人员提供房源,总量为6万间。其中,江苏、浙江各3万间。目前,江苏已筹措并提供1.6万间,分别位于无锡市2000间、扬州市3300间、常州市2200间、苏州市980间、镇江市960间、泰州市1000间、盐城市2300间、南京市3200间;浙江已筹措并提供2.1万间,分别位于杭州市5200间、宁波市6200间、台州市2000间、绍兴市3000间、金华市3000间、湖州市2000间。剩余房源将于近日筹措完成。江苏、浙江两地所提供房源,均为符合国家疫情防控规范的酒店等居住场所。两地所有已筹措并提供的房源,均已按隔离点管理标准,完成各项准备工作,并按要求配备医护、保洁及相关工作人员,确保管理和服务到位。此次江浙所提供的隔离房源,用于上海已确诊的新冠肺炎阳性患者(包括无症状感染者)的密接人员。Jiangsu and Zhejiang, the two neighboring provinces of Shanghai, are offering quarantine rooms to support the city, which reported nearly 20,000 new local COVID-19 infections on Wednesday. Jiangsu and Zhejiang will each provide 30,000 quarantine rooms. So far, Jiangsu has provided 16,000 rooms in the cities of Wuxi, Yangzhou, Changzhou, Suzhou, Zhenjiang, Taizhou, Yancheng, and Nanjing. Zhejiang has provided 21,000 rooms in Hangzhou, Ningbo, Taizhou, Shaoxing, Jinhua, and Huzhou. The rest will be ready in the coming days.The purpose of these rooms is to quarantine close contacts of COVID-19 infections from Shanghai.
Shanghai is transforming the National Exhibition and Convention Center into the largest temporary hospital in the city to combat the COVID-19 surge. The hospital is expected to provide 40,000 beds in its eight pavilions for those testing positive for COVID-19 in the metropolis.
Shanghai New international Expo Center, which is now the largest temporary cabin hospital in the city, has allowed parents to accompany their children in the quarantine. As of 8 am on April 5, 177 people, including 89 children, have been admitted to the ward and the treatment is ongoing.